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In Back Home, Michelle Magorian, author of Goodnight Mister Tom, tells the story of Rusty, returning to England after being evacuated to America for five years in the Second World War.

After five happy years in America, Rusty must return to England: the place she used to call home. But it doesn't fell like home. Rusty's mother is like a stranger, her little brother doesn't know her and why does the food taste so bad? Rusty just can't get used to the rigid rules and rationing and her strict new boarding school.

Lonely and homesick, Rusty makes friends with Lance, another returned evacuee, and her indomitable spirit leads her into a dramatic and devastating rebellion. . .

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 3 July 2014
Pages: 480
ISBN: 9780141354811 Category: Tag:

Back Home


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