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Comprehensive introduction to all key concepts and practices required for the care, well-being, safety and health of children aged 0–6 years in ELC settings in Ireland.

*Integrates the frameworks, principles and standards of Síolta, Aistear, the 2016 Early Years Regulations and the Tusla Early Years Quality and Regulatory Framework

*Practical case studies and examples with application of theories and models help build applied knowledge and understanding of all topics

*Key practical tasks section in each chapter clearly demonstrates how to prepare for and perform practical skills, thereby reinforcing learning

*Each chapter is structured to clearly introduce and develop key concepts as well as highlight new key terms

*Visual, easy to navigate, highly illustrated and clearly laid out chapters with emphasis on the development of practical skills.

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 3 September 2021
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781838413477 Category: Tags: ,

Child Health and Well-being (0-6 years)


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