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A boy on the run from his parents. An old man on the run from his children. They meet on the train to Dublin and listen to each other’s stories. They understand each other. What will be the result of this new friendship?

This book won an Oireachtas prize and Gradam Réics Carló (Book of the Year) in 2014. In 2015 it won the prize for fiction at the 2015 Children’s Books Ireland book of the year awards, and also in 2015, the Literacy Association of Ireland’s Children’s Book Award.

Junior Certificate recommended text.

Buachaill ar a theitheadh óna thuismitheoirí. Seanduine ar a theitheadh óna pháistí. Castar ar a chéile iad ar an traein go Baile Átha Cliath. Éisteann siad le scéalta a cheile. Tuigeann siad a chéile. Cén toradh a bheidh ar an gcairdeas nua seo? Bhuaigh an leabhar seo duais Oireachtais agus Gradam Réics Carló in 2014. Bhuaigh sé freisin an duais le haghaidh ficsin ó Leabhar Pháistí Éireann (CBI), duaiseanna leabhair na bliana, in 2015, agus sa bhliain chéanna Gradam Leabhar do Pháistí ó Chumann Litearthachta na hÉireann.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781907494420 Categories: , , ,



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