A stunning new Disney Princess title featuring 14 original stories and illustrations. This beautiful collection of brand-new stories explores the courage and kindness of all 12 Disney Princesses, as well as the two Frozen Queens - Anna and Elsa. Each story has an empowering message, encouraging readers to harness their own unique talents.
All 14 stories have been written and illustrated by a wide range of talent to create something truly unique that is sure to be loved and shared for years to come. Stories from:Aubre Andrus Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen Marie Chow Erin Falligant Suzanne Francis Eric Geron Kalikolehua Hurley Kelly Starling Lyons Kathy McCullough Kitty Richards Elizabeth Rudnick Illustrations from:Nabi H. Ali Nicoletta Baldari Liam Brazier Alina Chau Nathanna Erica Sara Kipin Ann Marcellino Tara N.Whitaker Alice X. Zhang Studio IBOIX