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Encore textbook for Course B Leaving Cert Music. Package includes Composing Skills book.

Key features

• This book is suitable for Higher Level or Ordinary Level students.
• It covers all aspects of the Listening paper for Course B with notes and advice on Performing.
• Chapters are broken down into easy-to-navigate sections.
• Sections open with learning intentions that outline what will be covered.
• Prelude activities at the start of each section get students actively listening to and engaging with
the material from the beginning.
• Overture introductions give students an overview of and key information on the section topic.
• Key musical terms are highlighted and defined in the text when they appear for the first time.
• Reprise boxes remind students of what some key musical terms mean when they appear again.
• Tracks and links are clearly marked throughout to let students know when they need to listen to a
musical excerpt on the app or online.
• The prescribed works are broken down into shorter aural excerpts with accompanying analysis
• Did you know? boxes provide additional information.
• Listen and Explore activity boxes appear in each chapter.
• Face the music questions at the end of each section test what students have learned.
• Finale activities appear at the end of each section.
• End-of-chapter reflection questions allow students to reflect on and manage their learning.
• Revision charts for each prescribed work allow students to revise important information easily and
• Exam corner sections prepare students for the Listening paper.

Composing Skills Book

The Encore Composing Skills Book is a separate write-in book where students will build up their composing skills step by step to the level needed to successfully complete the Composing paper in the final exam.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781915595997 Categories: , , ,

Encore – Course B (Textbook & Composing Skills Book)


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