Gute Frage! 1 for Junior Cycle First Year German is an innovative language learning programme that gets students speaking and supports them in discovering the language for themselves.
Learning Outcomes from all three strands are interwoven through each unit
Carefully scaffolded oral tasks and pronunciation activities
Vocabulary and grammar are introduced through authentic real-life dialogues and texts
The Sprachdetektiv guides students to discover language patterns for themselves!
Lernstrategien panels teach students effective language learning strategies
Portfolioaufgaben and Rollenspiele prepare students for the CBAs
Students will enjoy reading for pleasure in the Leseratte story that continues in each unit
Klipp und klar summaries include audio and are perfect for revision
Selbsteinschätzung reflections help students to assess their own progress
Gute Frage! 1 Arbeitsbuch contains a wide variety of engaging activities that reinforce and enhance the Kursbuch learning.
Fully linked to the Kursbuch
Extra practice in listening, reading, writing, speaking, language awareness and cultural awareness
Wortschatz grids allow students to compile their own bank of key vocabulary
In the Sprachdetektiv, students record their discoveries about language patterns
Lernhilfe – Mindmaps encourage students to brainstorm key vocabulary, structures and grammar
Prüf dich! tests at the end of each unit check progress
Selbsteinschätzung reflection tasks help students to set goals for improvement