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Free delivery within Ireland (ROI & NI) on orders over €50

Inspire (3 year) textbook for Junior Cycle Religious Education includes a free Portfolio Book.

INSPIRE, an innovative approach to Religious Education created specifically for the new Junior Cycle specification, offers comprehensive resources for planning, teaching and assessing. INSPIRE follows a spiral approach, where students will meet and revisit Learning Outcomes on an ongoing basis. This will develop and embed their understanding, skills, attitudes and values all through the three years of Junior Cycle. It is suitable for both exam and non-exam classes. All five major world religions and non-religious worldviews are explored.

Features of INSPIRE

  • Free ebook with textbook purchase
  • Learning Outcomes have been carefully selected and grouped together in chapters. Chapters have then been grouped into units of learning. This reflects the approach recommended by the specification.
  • Relevant Learning Outcomes are listed for teachers at the start of each chapter.
  • Learning intentions, keywords and ice-breaker activities are included at the start of each chapter.
  • Creative individual, pair- and group-work activities encourage students to engage with the content and to reflect on their learning in a variety of ways.
  • Content is presented in a well-paced and structured sequence. Clear, simple language is used throughout. Religious literacy is developed through a spiral approach to the specification.
  • Checkpoint questions throughout help students to monitor their progress.
  • Chapters include learning experiences based on the three elements of Enquiry, Exploration, and Reflection and Action, as well as a Keyword section and Self-Assessment statements.
  • Visual Revision Summaries are included at the end of every unit.

Portfolio book

The included Portfolio book provides a space to create examples of work, develop key skills and reflect on learning.

Format: Paperback

Inspire – JC Religious Education (3 year book) + Portfolio


Usually ships in 2-3 days

Usually dispatched in 5-10 business days

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