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Los geht’s! is a combined textbook and workbook, designed specifically for Transition Year German.

Contains twelve thematic chapters adapted to common elements of TY as well as the calendar.
Task-based activities and projects are used throughout to engage learners, with a special emphasis on Landeskunde, providing an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of life and culture in German-speaking countries.
A wide variety of reading, writing and listening activities is included, reflecting ways in which teenagers communicate with the world around them – from traditional methods such as letter-writing to more modern social media channels.
Each chapter features an oral section, wherein a mixture of Allgemeine Fragen, Bildergeschichten and Rollenspiele can be used as part of TY assessment and as classroom activities.
Provides many opportunities for in-depth revision and expansion of vocabulary as well as grammar learned throughout the Junior Cycle, with student-centred learning at the core of each chapter.
Cross-curricular links are evident throughout the book.

Format: Paperback

Los Geht's!


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