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The whole of Pirate Academy is abuzz with anticipation for the upcoming Oceans Bound weekend. It's the first time the young pirate apprentices of Barracuda Class will set sail as five independent crews - with no teacher oversight! Excitement reaches fever-pitch as Commodore Kuo and Captain Salt reveal which of the fifteen Barracudas will act as captains for Oceans Bound. Jacoby is devastated when he isn't picked, which makes things difficult for Jasmine when she is chosen. But worse, much worse, is in store, when Jasmine is told that her Uncle Noah - a ringleader of the League of True Pirates - has, against all odds, broken out of the Pirate Federation's maximum security prison. Fearing that he will try to make contact with Jasmine, the Head and Deputy give Jasmine the chance to opt out of Oceans Bound. But Jasmine is not about to let her renegade uncle ruin everything.

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 1 July 2024
Pages: 220
ISBN: 9781916747036 Category: Tag:

Missing at Sea


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