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Planet and People Core Workbook 3rd Edition Mentor Books. There is also a textbook ,2 elective books and 4 option books available in this series.

Includes exercises and activities on all topics covered in the Planet & People Core Book Suitable for Ordinary and Higher Level students Contains a range of formal exam-style questions and chapter revision questions.
Can be used for classwork or homework.Questions and activities aimed at ensuring students have covered and understand all aspects of the three core units of the Leaving Certificate syllabus Covers OS maps, aerial photos and graphical skills sections of the syllabus in depth.
Full Colour Clear layout and design Links closely to case studies and examples used in the Planet & People Core Book Assessment for learning Techniques(AFL) techniques used throughout the workbook.
Includes questions which require SRP based answers.
Contains useful graph pages to practice graphical skills.
Contains chapters with diagrams and questions on the following topics-Plate tectonics,earthquakes, volcanoes, folding and faulting in the earths crust, weathering and erosion, rock types and landscapes, fluvial processes,,glacial processes, coastal processes, mass movement processes, OS maps and aerial photos, weathermaps, satellite images ,the concept of a region - physical,cultural,administrative,socio economic and city regions, the dynamics of a region- An Irish Peripheral region, An Irish Core Region and an Irish city/nodal/urban region, A European Peripheral region, A European Core and city region, the complexity of regions, the growth and impact of the EU, interaction of economic political and cultural activities and Brazil (A Non European region)
The Interaction between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

ISBN: 9781909417595 Category: Tag:

Planet and People - Core Workbook - 3rd Edition


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