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 Free delivery within Republic of Ireland on orders over €50

Fun Scrabble word puzzles for kids aged 7+ Get ready for more than 120 word puzzles, inspired by the classic board game that always spells F-U-N! * Bursting with brain-tickling anagrams, word wheels, missing vowels, kriss kross, tile score and lots more* Have a go at the beginner puzzles before turning over the book for advanced ones* Gain confidence in spelling and vocabulary in a fun and friendly way (c)2022 Mattel. SCRABBLE (TM) and SCRABBLE tiles, including S1 tiles, are trademarks of Mattel

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 1 September 2022
Pages: 160

SCRABBLE (TM) Junior Puzzle Book


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Usually dispatched in 5-10 business days

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