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Shortcuts to Success teach you the exam success tips that have been shown to work. Written by teachers with a proven track record of exam success, they will show you how to achieve your best results.
The Spanish Oral covers the oral exam in easy-to-follow topic by topic units.

  • Includes the most common questions for each topic with suggested answers
  • Each unit has an exercise sheet which allows students to write their own, personally relevant answers to the questions
  • Provides examples of an oral exam dialogue at three different levels: Nivel Bajo (for struggling students), Nivel Medio (for competent students) and Nivel Avanzado (for more proficient students)
  • Glossaries are included where appropriate, to ensure that students are given all the vocabulary they require to prepare their answers
  • Covers topical issues such as unemployment, drugs and alcohol abuse


  • a unit with useful phrases, with each phrase followed by a sample sentence from an oral exam
  • a concise grammar review
  • a sample film and book review
  • up-to-date roleplays

Provides a comprehensive introduction to the oral exam covering:

  • the breakdown of the marks
  • the format of the exam
  • an insight into what the examiner is looking for
  • student hints and tips
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 3 November 2011
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9780717148752 Categories: , , , , ,

Shortcuts to Success: The Spanish Oral Leaving Certificate Higher and Ordinary Level


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