Each section of the book focuses on specific skills for confident and successful examination writing:
Test Your Critical Vocabulary: Creates a bank of important terms and definitions to use in responding to literary texts.
Short Sample Questions: Provides structured practice in answering exam questions, including rough work and answer lines to mirror the exam.
Responding to Shakespeare: Prepares students to answer questions on Shakespeare's language, characters, dramatic techniques, stagecraft, etc
Write about Your Studied Texts: Gives templates and scaffolding to answer on studied texts and key moments.
Write for a Variety of Purposes: Practice in writing to narrate, inform, persuade, engage, etc.
Full Sample Examination Papers: Presents three full thematic sample papers for extra practice, with a Skills for the Final Examination introduction that reinforces the examination answer technique taught throughout the book, i.e. Focus, Ideas, Development, Organisation and Language.
Answers: Provides answers/sample answers for every section in the book.
Common Errors: Fine-tunes literacy by identifying common errors and training students to eliminate them in written examination answers.
Special attention is also given to developing students' understanding of examination vocabulary.