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Quantum physics is not mystifying. The implications are mind-bending, and not yet fully understood, but this revolutionary theory is truly illuminating. It stands as the best explanation of the fundamental nature of our world.

Spanning the history of quantum discoveries, from Einstein and Bohr to the present day, Something Deeply Hidden is the essential guide to the most intriguing subject in science. Acclaimed physicist and writer Sean Carroll debunks the myths, resurrects and reinstates the Many-Worlds interpretation, and presents a new path towards solving the apparent conflict between quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity. In doing so, he fills a gap in the science that has existed for almost a century.

A magisterial tour, Something Deeply Hidden encompasses the cosmological and everyday implications of quantum reality and multiple universes. And - finally - it all makes sense.

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 15 April 2021
Pages: 368

Something Deeply Hidden : Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime


Available On: 15 Apr 202
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