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A ghostly love story set in a spooky, underwater world from the highly acclaimed author and illustrator P.J. Lynch. Jacob's father was a farmer, but after their river is dammed and their town is flooded, Jacob takes to fishing the new lake over the town.

A village girl falls in love with him, and he with her, but he asks her to wait until she's sixteen before they marry. A year before they're to be married, Jacob disappears into the lake, lured underwater by the ghosts who inhabit the sunken village. For fifteen years, his fiancee fishes the lake and searches for her love while Jacob lives, unaging, with the ghosts.

It's only when Lilith, leader of the ghosts, wants to marry Jacob, that he remembers his love for the girl above the lake and can break free to the surface, where his fiancee is able to rescue him - and, at last, to marry her love.

Format: Hardback
Publication Date: 1 October 2020
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9781406395563 Category: Tag:

The Haunted Lake


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