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Can you solve the puzzles and piece together the clues to find out who dunnit? Perfect for fans of Murdle. The Museum Heist is an interactive book where murder mystery meets escape room-style puzzle solving, in an epic adventure for all the family. Put yourself to the test, and follow the story, working your way through a whole host of challenges - from deciphering clues at crime scenes and searching for hidden pieces of evidence in the pages - to satisfy your inner detective.

Look out also for interactive elements within the book that will take each mystery to a whole new level. 'I'm just mad about the Mystery Agency, and even madder about Henry Lewis. Like, it makes me actually mad how wonderfully talented he is at puzzle creation and storytelling.

This book is an utter delight, one that should be in the collection of any sharp thinker. I hated how much I loved it. Can't recommend it enough.'-- Neil Patrick Harris, puzzle-master and award-winning actor

Format: Hardback
Publication Date: 9 November 2023
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781408728499 Categories: , Tag:

The Museum Heist : A Mystery Agency Puzzle Book


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