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The ninth book in the bestselling series, from the brilliantly talented Liz Pichon.

TIPS FOR BEING TOP OF THE CLASS (Sadly...I did NONE of these things.)

1. Stay awake in lessons (it helps.)

2. Don't draw HILARIOUS pictures of your teachers.

3. AVOID the class bully to stay out of trouble.

4. Don't let Mum and Dad write ANYTHING in your school planner.

5. Don't let your grumpy sister Delia BOSS you around. (Technically not a school issue - but still important.)

I'm TRYING to get voted onto the school council as well - but thanks to the ABOVE list it's not exactly going to plan.

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 3 January 2019
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781407193519 Category: Tags: ,

Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly): 9


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