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I warn you now, this book' THE LOCHGELLY SENTINEL'A bold move by Hodder' PUBLISHING QUARTERLYGarth Marenghi - Frightenerman, Darkscribe, Doomsage - is back with volume two of his TerrorTome . . .

Horror novelist Nick Steen is abducted and imprisoned at Nulltec, a shadowy technological research facility with excellent conference parking, concealed deep on the Stalkford Downs. There he is observed, tested and 'interfered with' (physically) by a team of scientific experts led by Dr Barbara Nullman, determined to probe and 'nullify' his escaping imagination . .

. Will Nick regain control of his faculties, and crucially his particulars, before everyone, including his erstwhile editor Roz, dies horribly? To find out, you will need to read the book and, more importantly, purchase it. I can say this much on this blurb (and no more) - not before Nick Steen has faced the ultimate monster.

(Don't read the last story first or you'll wreck the entire flow.)From the word processor (that's correct) of the Archduke O'Darkness, Garth Marenghi - Chief Frightener, Quakerman and Lord High Petrifier - come three new dark tales. Will ye, too, become the... Incarcerat...

'Den har boken ar skitsnak' WHAT'S ON IN GOTHENBURG

Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 31 October 2024
Pages: 448

Garth Marenghi's Incarcerat : Volume 2 of British cult comedy horror series TERRORTOME - the SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER


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